Ground Ivy
With our ever changing environment there can be many questions that arise. We are well into the spring season and there are noticeable changes in the world around us like, greener plants, more critters and rising waters.
Josh Angelini from the Cuyahoga Valley National Park Service said "the environment is all connected"
With longer days plants are able to absorb more sunlight thus allowing the plants to bloom quicker and fuller.
"The days last much longer now, said Angelini, we can see them bloom more"
Angelini said the longer days and more plants this encourages animals to come back out after a long winter.
"At a certain time when there is enough available nutrients enough available food the animals have evolved to be around at that same time,"
While walking through the Cuyahoga Valley Environmental Education Center there were many wild animals to see. Red-winged black birds are commonly seen flying through the education center.
"I'm seeing in a little tree here that is growing out of the water, I think that's a grackle that kind of iridescent black bird over there,"
Josh said the Environmental education center is a place for students to come and learn about wildlife. They have students from all over Ohio and even out of state that come visit.
At the property there are man made retention ponds that now house numerous ecosystems filled with all kinds of plants and animals.
To hear more about this information listen to the Evergreen Learning Podcast on the Podcast page or anywhere you listen to podcasts.
Evergreen Learning Podcast has a goal of growing young minds about the different environments in our world.
Red Winged Blackbird
Canadian Goose American Bullfrog Bradford Pear Tree
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